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Hauptseite / Neuigkeiten / Closed road to EUTIT

Closed road to EUTIT

Closed road to EUTIT
Closed road to EUTIT second part.
From 16. 9. 2020 for approx. 3 months coplete reconstruction of road from EUTIT to railway cross in direction to Láznì Kynžvart.
Enter and Exit from EUTIT please use:
from Pilsen: . . . Chodová Planá - Stará Voda - EUTIT (Enter and Exit only trough CNG staion)
from Cheb . . . Stará Voda - EUTIT (Enter and Exit only trough CNG staion)
For details see attacheed map PDF
In case of any question please call: 354 789 184
Uzavrka 2. etapa od 16.9.2020 EN
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